The “I Should Have Read that Book” Tag

We all have those books that have sat on our TBR since like…2010. But what about the books that you keep saying you’ll read, but never actually open? Well, today you get a glimpse at all the books I do that with, so grab an iced coffee and let’s chat!

The Rules

  • Thank the person who tagged you and link back to their post. (I’m stealing this from the creator, BooksNest.)
  • Link to the creator’s blog in your post. (*points up*)
  • Answer the questions below.
  • Tag 10 others to take part.

The Questions

A book that a certain friend is always telling you to read.

A friend on Goodreads recommended Unknown by Vanessa Hall to me, and ever since then, I keep seeing it pop up on my Goodreads feed, so I think it’s a sign. 😉

A book that’s been on your TBR forever and yet you still haven’t picked it up.

The Indifferent Stars Above: The Harrowing Saga of the Donner Party by Daniel James Brown has been on my TBR for honestly like four or five years. And…it’s been sitting on my physical bookshelf for that four or five years.

A book in a series you’ve started, but haven’t gotten round to finishing yet.

The Steelheart trilogy by Brandon Sanderson. I started the trilogy literally forever ago, but I never read the last book. In fact, I think I stopped the second book halfway through because I was confused and maybe a little bored.

A classic you’ve always liked the sound of, but never actually read.

Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. I actually own a copy of this one because I saw it at Barnes and Noble a few years ago, and swore that I was finally gonna read a classic. But alas, it still remains on my bookshelf, pretty much untouched since I bought it.

A popular book that it seems everyone but you has read.

The Selection by Kiera Cass. I feel like everyone read this back when it came out in 2012, and I…never got around to it? For someone who proclaims to be a lover and consumer of all dystopias, especially the 2012 ones, I sure did slack off with this one. But is it actually worth reading? I’ve heard so many people complain about this series, so I’m not sure if I just avoided an annoying series or if I’m actually missing out on some peak 2012 content.

A book that inspired a film/TV adaptation that you really love, but you just haven’t read it yet.

To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before by Jenny Han. I watched all three of the movies with my best friend, and my love for these movies was definitely a slow-burn. I’ve considered getting the first book from my library multiple times, but every time I just…don’t. Hopefully I’ll read them soon because they look like such cute rom-coms that are easy to read.

A book you see all over Instagram but haven’t picked up yet.

I’m not on Instagram, so I’m tweaking this to “A book you see all over Facebook but haven’t picked up yet.” One of my internet friends, Hanne T, has posted a lot of stories about Atomic Habits by James Clear. I’ve heard only good things about this book, so I’ve wanted to read it for a while, but idk, I just don’t read a ton of nonfiction, so it’s hard for me to commit to it.

The Tagged

I genuinely don’t know who still does blog tags, so anyone reading this is tagged.

Let’s Talk!

What are some books that you’ve been meaning to read, but never actually read? Which classics are on your TBR? What did you think of The Selection series? Is it worth reading or is it not worth the hype? Let’s talk about all the overrated and underrated TBR-worthy books in the comments!

5 thoughts on “The “I Should Have Read that Book” Tag”

  1. I SO relate to having books on my TBR forever. In fact, so much so that I might steal this tag…the thing that makes me cringe the most every time I look at my TBR is the Summa Theologica, which I really want to read, but which I think will take me two years (conservative estimate), which means…it’ll be on the ol’ TBR for a while.

    Ooh, Fahrenheit 451 is genuinely excellent, and really doesn’t take long to read, AND is dystopian, which you mentioned you liked, so…I would recommend you take it off your bookshelf and read it! 😀

    But The Selection is probably worth skipping…it really doesn’t show much of the dystopia, it’s just a privileged love triangle story with lots of whining and some suggestive/inappropriate scenes. So. Not the best. XD

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Ooh, please steal this tag and then tag me in your post so I can see it. <333 I'm always looking for new books to add to my TBR, so I'd be super interested to see your answers to these questions.

      Yes, I've wanted to read Fahrenheit 451 for YEARS now, but I just have such a mental block against reading the classics…*sighs*

      I've heard a lot of people talk about their hatred of The Selection series, so now I'm kinda sad because it sounded like such a cool concept, but if the execution is as bad as everyone makes it sound, I'll likely just skip it and find another 2012 dystopian that I missed, lol.


  2. I love this tag so much, I’m definitely stealing it. Please and thank you.

    I’ve had Fahrenheit 451 sitting on my shelf for almost two years… so I relate. XD

    I have only read the second book in the Selection series (I was running out of “clean” YA books I knew of at the time from my library and I was desperate). And I hated it. XD I can only speak for the second one, but the dystopian part was barely in it (the only thing I loved about it). A online friend of mine read them and really enjoyed them, and said that maybe I should the read the first one before I decide to DNF the whole series… but I doubt that I will pick it up. I don’t enjoy hate reading, which is very likely to happen if I do. The characters were the worse.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I love that everyone is commenting that they’re going to steal this tag. Please do, and then make sure to either tag me or drop the link somewhere so I can read it and add more books to my TBR. <333

      Right? Like why is this one such a good book that some of us just can't ever seem to actually pick up and read? The struggle is super real with this one…

      Everyone I've talked to about The Selection series says it's basically awful and that it's not worth reading, so I'll probably skip it, but I'm still sad because the blurb made it sound so good. *whines*

      Liked by 1 person

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