a step back

hey guys. this post is gonna be kinda short and there won’t be any fancy graphics.

this is just a little dose of real talk.


life has been kinda crazy the past couple weeks. i don’t exactly want to go into the specifics online, but because of all the life stuff…i think i need to take a step back from blogging for a little bit.

i’ve fallen behind on reading your amazing blogs and i’ve 100% failed in the commenting department.

i really, really wanted to keep posting at my regular schedule (mostly because this blog is so new), but i’m starting to realize that i just…can’t. my mental health is starting to suffer and i need to focus more of my energy and attention on what’s really important in my life. and well, this blog just isn’t one of my top priorities right now.

i feel terrible for admitting that, but i know that i need to be honest with you guys..and with myself.

and the truth is that this blog is causing me some unnecessary stress right now. it’s throwing my anxiety into chaos every time i realize it’s the week a post should be going up. and that’s not healthy for me.

so…as much as i hate to say it, i’m taking a step back from blogging for the time being. i guess you could call it a hiatus or a break or a vacation. i’m not sure when i’ll be back cause this isn’t exactly a schedule break. i could be back in a month. or maybe i won’t.

but i know that i’ll come back when i’m ready. it’s possible that i’ll decide to change the blog schedule to only once a month. or i could decide to do what i used to do on my private blog, which was not to have a schedule at all (basically i’d just post whenever i felt like it).

so…yeah. i’m going away for a while. i don’t know how long i’ll be gone and i have no clue what will happen when i come back.

i really hope you guys decide to stick around for whatever happens when i come back to this adorable and awesome little corner of the Internet.

and until that time comes, feel free to contact me using the form on my Contact Page. or stalk me on social media cause i’m not giving that up (except i might take a hiatus sometime soon).

love ya, my little voyagers. 💛✌️


6 thoughts on “a step back”

  1. you don’t need to apologize, girl. it’s totally okay that you want to take a break from blogging! I will be sending good wishes your way and just know that you’ll always have a warm welcome if you decide to come back. 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛

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    1. awe, thank you so much, Ash. i’ll definitely be coming back (eventually), i just don’t want to push myself so far that i break, y’know? but i really do appreciate your support. 💛


  2. Hey, it’s okay and totally fine! If blogging causes you stress and anxiety right now, then do what you have to do. We’ll still be here when you get back, so take as much time as you need. Praying for you! ❤

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    1. Thank you so much, Nicole. 💛😭 I knew y’all would understand, but I’m still shocked by all of your kind words, encouragement, and support. I can’t wait till I’m feeling up to coming back and producing the quality content y’all are here for😂😉

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I completely understand this. I’ve gone through similar stages where blogging just had to take a step back. Breaks are important!! I echo Nicole – take as much time as you need. My prayers are with you, and I’ll be here when you get back! ❤

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